The seven colors of thy

With our new bottles and new designs, more colors have also come on our whisky bottles, and it is not entirely coincidental. 

A total of seven colors now characterize our bottles. They will help find the difference between the taste profile of our whisky

Taste is a curious thing. Flavor preferences are personal. It can be incredibly difficult to describe what something tastes like, or why we think something tastes good or bad. 

Sometimes we know exactly which whisky we prefer. Other times, we want to try something new. But how do we recognize our favorite bottle if we don’t already know the whisky inside? 

Sometimes, colors speak louder than words. That’s why we have chosen seven colors, that we believe are a meaningful way to categorize our whiskies based on flavor preferences. So if you’ve enjoyed a "green" bottle of Thy Whisky, it might be worth trying others with the same color. Or you can explore a completely new color if you feel like trying something new. 

As an example, our whiskies made from rye, aged in new oak casks, typically receive a yellow color because the fresh oak and rye give flavors of warm spices, pepper, grain, toasted oak, and hints of floral fragrances. Conversely, our sherry cask-aged whiskies with sweet notes of dried fruits will usually have a green, brown, or red color, depending on whether it is smokiness, intense sherry, or a more balanced cask.

The seven colors each describe their style, taste or direction within Thy Whisky.

It will be able to help you in the right direction, as you are looking for a bottle of our whisky.