Adopt your own whisky cask

Your own whiskycask. You choose the cask type, malt and the intended age, or adopt one of our casks, already filled in the warehouse

How to get started

You have two possible paths to choosing your casks and becoming a cask owner

- Adopt a casks. Check out our list of available casks. They're already filled, ready for you.

- Fill a new casks. Choose your desired cask type, size and the new make to be filled.

We offer a inspirational tasting here at the distillery where you can find the casks that suit you the best. We will guide you
you through the selection and answer your questions.

You can always learn more about private casks at the distillery during our opening hours or participate in tours and tastings cask owners days and our annual Thy Whisky Festival.

You can also meet us every year at fairs, festivals and whisky tastings in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands. We will bring samples from our selection of casks that you can adopt.

This is how it works

1. Choose your casks, fill in your personal details and make your first payment, which covers the casks and the whisky inside.

2. After we've received your payment, you'll receive your owners certificate and documentation. You are now registered as the owner of the casks.

3. The cask matures for at least 3 years in our warehouse. Your cask is insured. Along the way, you can order a sample from your casks, book private visits to the distillery and participate in our unique cask owners events, where we taste the cask together.

4. You decide when it's time to bottle your whisky. You have the option of bottling a single bottles along the way.

5. before you pick up your bottles, you pay the cost of bottling, tax and alcohol taxes.

6. The empty casks are yours.

7. Time to enjoy your very own single malt whisky!

Price and Payment

When you buy a private cask, you pay for your whisky in two installments.

The first installment is paid when you buy your casks:

  • The casks, the whisky and the first 5 years of maturation in our whisky warehouse.

  • Full insurance (of your purchase price)

  • VAT (If you live in Denmark, VAT is added to the first payment. If you live abroad, VAT is only paid when your whisky is bottled)

Once we have received the first payment, ownership of the casks and contents of Thy Whisky Aps passes to you.

The second payment is made when your whisky is bottled:

  • Bottling costs and taxes are settled at the prices applicable at any time.
  • All other services can be purchased along the way.

See the current price list below.

You can have your casks handed over to you at any time upon payment of the outstanding balance taxes and duties. However, your casks can only be bottled as under the Thy Whisky brand,
if the cask remains in our custody until it is bottled. .

eksempler på priser (Danmark)*






Fadstørrelse Køb af fad, whisky, lager, forsikring, inkl. moms Forventede omkostninger til aftapning, afgifter, inkl. moms Forventet antal 50 cl flasker (55 % vol.) Forventet pris pr. flaske, incl moms

40 L

20.600 8.000 68 420


28.100 11.500 96 410


47.500 24.000 200 360

200 L (BARREL)

68.800 39.500 336 320


84.400 49.500 425 310
*Priserne afhænger af fad, alder mv. Priser er incl Moms og baseret på aftapning og udlevering i Danmark. Fradampningen fra fadet (angel’s share) ligger normalt årligt på omkring 2-3 pct. på større tønder og 4-6 pct. på de mindre tønder. Samtidig vil alkoholprocenten typisk falde undervejs. Men det er individuelt fra fad til fad hvad.
Price per 50 cl bottle. Picked up at Thy Whisky. Based on current prices and taxes.

The example is based on a 40 liter oloroso casks of pale malt new make, aged for 4 years with a final output of 68 bottles at 55% vol.
240 kr: Cask, whisky, storage and insurance
55 kr: Bottling
Incl. bottles, labels, boxes, labor time
41 kr: Alcohol tax
84 kr: VAT (25%)
450 kr: Total per bottle

*Prices and number of bottles depend on casks, age etc. and may vary.


Price list for private cask owners, valid from March 1, 2025:

Participation in cask owners events, incl 50 cl sample:
300 DKK incl. 2 tickets, +200 DKK per extra ticket

Sample bottle (10 - 50 cl) of your casks: 300 DKK

Strength samples 5 x 10 cl of your casks: 600 kr.

Use if you want to adjust the alcohol strength when bottling your casks.

'Single Cask bottle' of your casks, 70 cl, incl. gift tube and handwritten label: 400 kr.

Private tasting of your casks at the distillery or online, incl. sampling and evaluation of the cask with us: 1,000 kr incl. 5 people, +200 kr per person During regular working hours

Extra long storage (incl. insurance) for more than 5 years: 500 kr per year

Re-casking to new casks: DKK 2,500 + cost of new casks

Bottling in several batches: DKK 2,500 per new label/bottling

Bottling and taxes

When you decide to bottle your whisky, you'll need to make your final payment for bottling, bottles, shipping and alcohol taxes.

The payment depends on how many bottles you need bottled, the alcohol strength, etc.

Current prices:

Bottle, label, box and bottling:

55 kr. per bottle (40-60 liter casks)
50 kr. per bottle (120-250 liter casks)

Excise tax:

Denmark: 150 DKK per liter of 100% alcohol
Germany: 13 EUR per liter of 100% alcohol
Sweden: 526.97 SEK per liter of 100% alcohol