Climate Discharge & Green Energy

Reducing carbon emissions and improving sustainability in every aspect of our product is a journey that we strive for every day.

With farm, malthouse and distillery under one roof, we minimize transport of goods, waste becomes a resource, and we can be self-suppliant in wind- and solar energy installed on the distillery roof.

Emissions from land use

How we choose to manage our farmland affects natural carbon emissions from our lands. Therefore, we aim to restore natural hydration on peatlands and raise organic matter in the farmland soil by using covercrops and organic farming principles.

Since we own our farmlands, we are making our own decisions to govern our lands in a responsible way. .

Solar power: 50 kw
Wind turbine: 25 kw

Annual power production*:

103,000 kWh

Annual consumption for whisky production:

42,000 kWh

Together with other farmers in Thy, the industry of Thy and the local energy services, we have initated the establishment of a biogas plant in Thy, known as BIOGAS THY.

The biogas plant will transform our biomass into biomethane, helping us to further reduce carbon emissions from energy use.

The plant is due for gasproduction in 2026